Tuesday 6 August 2013

Top 10 Tips To Increase Your Social Media Traffic (Part 1)

Using social media to generate traffic can be very effective. But a lot of people and businesses start using social media without researching into the best practices prior to their implementation.

By understanding and following the tips in this article, you too should not only be able to increase your traffic, but also increase your fans and online awareness. Building a successful social media community around your business and brand can take time, but persistence can pay off.

The great thing about social media is that a lot of the tips for one particular social network can be easily transferable to another, creating less work and helping you keep the same type of engagement style with your fans.

Right, enough with the introduction. Lets dive into those all important tips.

1. Profile completion

Having a fully completed profile is first and foremost the most important task that should be done. You are essentially filling out a form with all your business details to help attract people. Adding links to your website in the biography section is extremely important as this will be one of the first things a person will see when visiting your profile. An unfinished social media profile can easily put people off, and we all know that first impressions are important.

2. Graphic Design

Many social networks allow you to customise your page with your own branding. With this, you can become very creative and eye catching which can go a long way to securing your business another fan/follower. Try not to add too much information onto your graphic backgrounds as it can be overwhelming and confusing. Here is a prime example of a well executed Twitter background - Coca Cola.

3. Posting Regularly & Engaging

Now that your social media profiles are complete, posting regularly and engaging with your fans will help increase your traffic significantly. A stagnant social media profile can turn people off and you will slowly lose the fans you have already acquired. Scheduling posts can be a great way of keeping your profiles active throughout the day, especially when you are not in the office to post manually. Ezeesocial is a tool that we use to keep track of all our scheduled posts.

4. Using URL Shorteners

Using URL shorteners can help a post look more sleek and inviting, and not just for Twitter (due to its 140 character limit). URL shorteners allow you to track the statistics from specific URLs to see where your traffic is coming from. There are many URL shorteners to use, it mostly boils down to preference. Bit.ly, Tinyurl.com andgoo.gl to name a few, are all useful and get the job done.

5. Photos are king

When it comes to social media, photos are king! Statistically, posts that are accompanied by a photo received 53% more likes than the average post on Facebook. Not only this, photo posts attracted a whopping 103% more comments than the average post. Its time to make a conscious effort to increase the amount of posts that feature high-quality photos. Don't be afraid to have fun with your posts.

To be continued...

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